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How to increase profit...

When you knock away the fluff, there are only 4 ways to make more profit in your business.


1. Get more people to buy your product or service.

2. Get your existing customers to buy more frequently or in larger quantities.

3. Reduce your costs but charge the same.

4. Increase your price.


It really is that simple!


Most businesses who come to me focus on number one. Some desperately trying to convince more people to buy regardless of whether their product or service is as good as it could be. All businesses I meet have huge untapped opportunities with number 2. Many businesses I meet fail to really get to grips with number 3. A huge amount of businesses I meet get fearful around number 4.

The moral of the story is this…

Without getting more involved in your business, I can not help you decide which one to focus on but increasing your profits is a pretty straight forward game when you know the rules. Go on then!

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