Networking is marketing. Make it work.
Do you do much networking? It's a strange old game….lots of people in a room smiling like nervous Cheshire cats & talking to strangers. I'm sure my mum once told me not to do that…
If truth be known, I quite enjoy networking. Well sometimes anyway. I get a strange buzz when going into a completely new environment & just seeing what happens. I have met some great people and learned so much about the problems that face a cross section of businesses so networking gives me food for thought to find solutions for them.
However…sometimes I feel like a microphone. You get an eager beaver who closes in on you then talks non stop so that they don't have to suffer an awkward silence or worst case…be standing in the corner alone. They start talking….talking….talking and don't even seem to need air. It's all me, me, me & you feel like a human microphone that they are talking into. This is when networking is not working.
So to make sure your networking is working, here are Coo's top 5 tips.
1. Only go to networking events that have your target market in them (unless you want a night out which is fine but then it's "a night out" - not business!) It's easy to feel very busy by going to lots of networking events but as with all marketing, you need to spend your time wisely.
2. Treat networking like market research. Ask lots of questions before wading in there with your turbo charged sales pitch. Believe me, they just don't work!
3. People do business with people so be human. Be yourself, not a clone. Guaranteed to get more impact and much easier to do.
4. Follow up straight after with anyone you want to take things further with. Otherwise it will just not happen.
5. Remember that everyone is in the same boat. They don't bite (generally) so go into it with an open mind rather than nerves because life is too short.
The moral of the story is this…
Networking is a way to promote your business so spend a little time planning to do it professionally. Measure the results and repeat what works. Simple.
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