Get yourself deeper into the pockets of a few...
Have you ever noticed how on some internet sites, once you have made a purchase, you are offered lots of other targeted things? The principle is simple. It takes a lot of effort to get a customer or client to open their wallet but when you have, it is easier to sell them more.
If you keep your existing customers happy, they become loyal and you don't have to do the whole "warm up the sale" job again as they already trust you. I see this in reverse all the time. You see people at networking events thrusting cards all over the place and hoping that new customers will sort out their lack of business. In reality, initially focusing on your existing customers is a better place to start and identifying ways that you could help them more.
Could you sell an after sales service, an additional product or an added value version of what you are already selling your customers? Could you sell to them more frequently? Could you sell to them more at a time? Once you have the relationship and the trust, you will be amazed how business growth can come from right under your nose. It is easier…more cost effective and will result in a more predictable and sustainable business. Sounds good to me!
The moral of the story is this…
New customers are truly fantastic but existing ones are even better. They are the birds in your hand so remember to feed them well.